biase aq tgk girl yg buat mnde alah ni..haha..kali ni aq nk menggedik la plak buat..kunun2 comey..miahaha...geli i nyaH~~ enjoy.. =p
Time rite now: 3.00am
Name : LuQmAn JaLiL
Brother(s) :
Eyes colour : dark brown
Shoes size : 6, 7 steng... tgk brand kasut... ecece
Hair colour: natural black-not-so-black... haha
Heights : 168 cm... entah bila nk meninggi lg cm syud niyh... =(
What are you wearing right now? : black SODA t-shirt ngn suar trek.... sungguh selesa...wahaha
Where do you live? : rite now?? rAuB bandar KeEmasaN... =)
Favourite number : 03101989
Favourite drink : soya,bandung..wah..heaven!!
Favourite month : i love march and october... =)
Favourite breakfast : breakfast?xsuke sgt mkn pg..... huhu
- have you ever -
Broke a bone : belum pernah and tamo~
Been in a police car : hehehe... belum lg...
Fallen for a friend : ?? jtoh atas kwn ke?pena kot mse skola rendah =p
Fallen for a guy/girl in a short period of time : nope ler..
Swam in the ocean : yea!! really2 suke!! wee~~...
Fallen asleep in school : hahahaa... selalu kot... budak asrama mmg xpenah cukup tidur... lol
Broken someone's heart : seriously,xpernah n xsggup!!
Cried when someone died : ehm..mestilah... sedih kot
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : yeap..oweys
Been cheated on : i stand with cheating before u get cheated... hohohoh
- what -
Your room looks like? : comment.. =p
What is right beside you? : phone..waiting for someone
What is the last thing you ate? : nasi goreng kampung!... mkn sparuh je..i'm on diet skrg... heee~
- ever had -
Chicken pox : yeap!! igt lg.form 2.. hee~~
Sore throat :slalu..biasenye pas balek karoeke ngn abg naqib azam... haha
Stitches : amnde ni?lilo n stich ke?hahha
Broken nose : nope
- do you -
Believe in love at first sight : maybe
Like picnics? : absolute!
- who -
Who did you last yell at? : jerit kt miqdad a.k.a my rumet coz die tetido tyme nga edit report sIeP..muahaha
Who was the last person you danced with? : saye xpernah menari..malu3.. O.o
Who last made you smile? : NooR ZaHaRah ZulkipLi..thanx dear.. =D
- final questions -
What are you listening to right now? : lagu kt blog zara..tataw lgu bes..yeah!! =)
What did you do today? : g bilik puan mas sbnyk 7!!
Indoors or outdoors? : both
- today did you -
Talk to someone you like? :yea!! =)
Kiss anyone? : umi,abah,adik2 =)
Sing? : favourite!!walaupun suare xsdap..miahaha..tq naqib coz slalu ajak karok..... hahha
Talk to an ex? : sdaye upaye elakkan..
Miss someone? : yes, really much!!
Eat? :lapaq ni...
- last person who -
You talked to on the phone? : NoOr zaHaraH =)
Made you cry? : my passion... boley??
Went to the movies with? : latest, tgk ngn izwan..marathon 5 movie..wuhuu!!...
You went to the mall with? : Encik iZwan jgak..3 mggu yg lpas..haha
Who cheered you up? : me and myself n my love... =)
- have you -
been to Australia : next 3 years..nk smbung master..ngn "diA" =)
been to USA : i will... soon...
- random -
Have a crush on someone? : crush je kan?? penah je...
What book are you reading right now? : facebook
Best feeling in the world? : dpt ckp lame2 ngn die... hehehe
Future kids name? : belum terfikir... lmbt lg.. =)
Did you sleep with a stuffed animal? :sy tdo dgn seekor beruang kutub.haha
What's under your bed? : ade kotak.bnyk!!
Favourite sport(s) : soccer of coz..and bdmnton..also bowling.wuhuu
Favourite place : HoMe SweEt HoMe =)
Who do you really hate? : who hate me,liar.
Do you have a job? : sometimes...
What time is it now? : 3.20 Am
yeaa!!sronok banget wat mnde ni upenye..ptotla rmai kaum2 ibu yg buat..ecece =p
5 days ago
December 22, 2010 at 9:22 PM
niy kes xde keje la niy..